Ouchies Adhesive Bandages is a fabulous line of children's bandages with fun and trendy designs that kids will love!
Company founder and owner Ian Madover has been very kind to us, and supportive of our efforts since the beggining. He has also generously donated to our cause.
Here is Ian's story in his own words from his website Ouchiesonline.com !
When my daughter turned five, her supply of bandages began to dwindle from all the boo-boo's that kids get, so I decided to search the aisles of drugstores for some kind of alternative – something cool, something different, something stylish. To my complete surprise, I came home empty handed; only able to offer her one of my horribly, boring beige bandages.
As I stood there in front of her medicine cabinet, I thought to myself, “Why are there no cool bandages?” I felt that change was in order, but it wasn’t until my wife (who is the true inspiration and “umph” behind these products) gave me a nudge and said, “You can do it.” From that point on, I started Ouchies – offering kids an array of adhesive bandages that allow them to show their style and personality. Since that time I have had two more kids, furthering my dedication to giving kids the chance to express themselves through bandages.
So, join me, my wife, my two daughters and son and let the world know that just because you are 5 or 8 or even 11, you can still have style after you have fallen and scraped your knee. Down with beige bandages, baby!
A list of retail stores carrying this exclusive product can be found on ouchiesonline.com ... or you can purchase on line. These colorful bandages come in sturdy metal tins.. and are of superior quality!
Products include snazzy bandages for boys and girls.. a make your own that includes markers, and newly introduced Mr. Men and Little Miss for boys and girls!
See photos of their product line below.
Please consider purchasing your next adhesive bandages from Ouchies.. and remember to pick up a box or two for your local hospital. We'd also be happy to accept a donation for the purchase of Ouchies and make sure they are given to a worthy hospital for you. You can use the paypal link on the left side of this page. Thank you!
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